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12 November 2013


October presented two opportunities for Youth Coordinator Christy “Conch” Konschuh. Women’s Network PEI hosted a day of Facilitator Training and the Premiers Action Committee coordinated a Family Violence Education Session for Professionals. Both of these opportunities equipped YCD with resources for families and youth who may be struggling with violence in their lives as well as served as a reminder of the protocol for a Youth Worker in regards to child protection.  Stop by the Cotton Centre Youth Room for your own copy of the Family Resource Guide 

On Saturday, October 26th, members of Youth Can-Do enjoyed success in so many ways. From the CBC interview with Lindsay Carroll, the costume creations with Anne Burke, the generous donations from Robin’s Doughnuts, Greco Pizza, and the Thriller Flash Mob, YCD members were able to interact with over 200 community members. Given this was the first production for many of these 14 youth, their ability to come together was impressive and so much fun! 
The behind-the-scenes effort to work as a group and look after one another was touching and grew from interpersonal conflict resolution and problem solving throughout the preparation process. These youth really pulled together and gave it their best effort. Congratulations to everyone involved!

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